Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Summertime Fun

A big thank you to my friend K, for with her encouragement, I accomplished three more of my "30 before 30" items:

Drive on the Beltway. 
Some of you may not know this, but I didn't get my driver's license until the ripe old age of 22, when I was suddenly thrust into greatness (er, necessity) when I got my first job and moved back to Southern Maryland. And while I have gradually become more comfortable driving, at least here at home, I always told myself I couldn't drive on a highway or a bridge or anything else -- selling myself short, as it were. Because of course I was fully capable of doing all those things.

But the big, bad, looming wolf was always the Beltway. It struck fear in my heart. 

One summer's day, I decided to visit K on my own, which meant taking the Beltway. And while I was never fully relaxed zooming 70 MPH down the highway with all the other crazies, I had at least been wise enough to leave early (like, super early) to avoid traffic. I made such good time that when I arrived in Gaithersburg at close to 8 a.m., I enjoyed a nice breakfast, hot coffee, and a small sense of accomplishment.

Get a massage.
I've never been a fan of being touched by a stranger, so the thought of a massage was always a little bit icky. 

K booked massages for us at the Red Door Salon, a reputable place for massage newbies (caveat: I've had a seated massage before, but never a table massage).

We were ushered into a locker room, where we had to change clothes and put on a big, fluffy robe and slippers. I immediately felt a tad nervous, as this sort of reminded me of a doctor's office. But, I was among friends, listening to soothing music, and sipping lemon water -- it couldn't be bad.

And it wasn't. I laid down on a table in a warm room while the masseuse worked her magic on my back, neck, and shoulders using aromatic oils. A couple of times her grip was a little painful, but not enough to cry out. The downside was that it didn't last long enough and that we didn't get to take naps afterward. ;-)

Paint a picture.
K and I tried a new adult painting class near her house, complete with a complimentary glass of wine (always a bonus!). While I am no Matisse, I had a fun time playing with the colors and brushes and found the activity oddly relaxing. Afterward, back at home, I spruced up my painting with some glitter to add extra sparkle. Check out our summertime masterpieces:


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